Art Director of the 10th RDV•I 2021
Interview of Eric BOUVET !
Eric BOUVET tells you about his role as art director and reveals his way of selecting the photos.
He entrusts you with a precious advice to improve your images.
The multifaceted art director.
Eric Bouvet (born 1961) began his photographic career in 1981 after studying art and graphic industries in Paris.
His interest in photography was sparked when, at the age of 8, he watched the first live television images of the Apollo 11 mission landing on the moon. It was then that he realized the importance of news and historic moments, not to mention capturing them on film.
The art director's role
The art director of Rendez-vous • Image chooses the authors / works to be exhibited. This carte blanche for a single person gives a pronounced character to the exhibition. The result of the selection process is therefore fully respected.
All art directors have a strong personal practice in photography. They are often graduates of an Applied Arts school, and their career, commitment and photographic production endow them with an undisputed place in the world of photography.
Their experience and professionalism make them exceptional art directors who will take a critical but kind look at the applications presented and who will significatly contribute to an extraordinary exhibition experience.
LOVE - Burning Man
WAR - Maidan death and liberty
Prizes and Awards
- 2014 : Prix du Frontline Club (Grande-Bretagne) pour Maïdan (Kiev, Ukraine)
- 2012 : Visa d'Or news, Visa pour l'image: Bab al-Azizia, la fin du régime de Kadhafi
- 2000 : Grand Prix Paris Match du photojournalisme: Grozny, Tchétchénie
- 2000 : Prix Bayeux Calvados des correspondants de guerre: Grozny, Tchétchénie
- 2000 : Visa d’Or news, Visa pour l'image: Grozny, Tchétchénie
- 1995 : World Press Photo. 3e prix news stories – Commandos Russes, Tchétchénie
- 1992 : Prix du Press Club de France: Kurdistan, 1 an après
- 1991 : World Press Photo. 2e prix spot news – La guerre du Golfe
- 1990 : World Press Photo. 3e prix news pictures story - Les funérailles de Khomeini
- 1990 : World Press Photo. 1er prix news features – Les funérailles de Khomeini
- 1985 : 150e Anniversaire International de la Photographie. Médaille d’or – Omeyra, Colombie
- 1987 : World Press photo. 2e prix natures séries – Gaz toxiques, Cameroun
Interview - Eric BOUVET
WAR - Chechnya
An exceptional moment,
do not miss it!
Eric BOUVET's commitment to the event is complete. Beyond the selection of authors, he will also be available for a privileged moment with a maximum of ten stagaires. During this workshop she will tell more about his work, his method, his successes and his failures. He will also look at your work and comment on it to help you to progress. Do not miss this exceptional moment, attend the workshop.
See the conditions of participation in the photo award and the photo book award.